Their relation to the onset or structure of witness reports showed mostly null, though sometimes inconsistent or weak outcomes. However, critical consideration of the content revealed a recurring focus on six ambient variables: embedded (static) cues, lighting levels, air quality, temperature, infrasound, and electromagnetic fields. This literature was diverse and often lacked methodological consistency and adherence to the prior suggestions.

Our search revealed a relative paucity of studies ( n = 66) on environmental factors that ostensibly stimulate haunt-type experiences. We also considered whether new studies had incorporated certain recommendations made in this anthology.
This paper contains a narrative overview of the past 20-years of environmental research on anomalous experiences attributed to “haunted house.” This exercise served as a much-needed update to an anthology of noteworthy overviews on ghosts, haunts, and poltergeists ( Houran and Lange, 2001b). 9Integrated Knowledge Systems, Dallas, TX, United States.8Laboratory for Statistics and Computation, ISLA-Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.7DISTUM, University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy.

6Emotion Gateway Research Center, Vienna, VA, United States.5Independent Researcher, Medina, OH, United States.4Institute for the Study of Religious and Anomalous Experience, Jeffersonville, IN, United States.3Parapsychological Association, Columbus, OH, United States.2School of Human & Social Sciences, Buckinghamshire New University, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom.1Department of Psychology, Manchester Campus, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom.Drinkwater 1, Ciarán O’Keeffe 2, Annalisa Ventola 3, Brian Laythe 4, Michael A.