Panicked task 0xfffffe166cef5f18: 69196 pages, 447 threads: pid 0: kernel_task Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe0027b8c000ĬORE 0 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf64d0ĬORE 1 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf64d0ĬORE 2 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf64d0ĬORE 3 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf64d0ĬORE 4 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf64d4ĬORE 5 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf500cĬORE 6 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf64d4ĬORE 7 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0027cf64d4 The following is the crash report: panic(cpu 5 caller 0xfffffe0027cd84d0): "pmap_tte_remove: non-zero pagetable refcount: pmap=0xfffffdf03a5265c0 ttep=0xfffffdf1758d4408 ptd=0xfffffdf144c423c0 refcnt=0x1" I will uninstall Karabiner Elements for now and wait for the developer to fix the issue. Uninstalling Karabiner Elements solves the problem, and reinstalling Karabiner Elements makes it crash again, so it is highly likely that Karabiner Elements is the cause. However, I know there is a crash because the system shows the crash report every time after the restart. In the latter situation, at first glance I cannot tell whether the restart is due to a crash or it is a "successful" restart. The system restarts due to the crash no matter whether I choose to shut down or restart. The value of 10 for InitialKeyRepeat implies a wait of 112.5 milliseconds before repeating the character for the first time and the value of 1 for KeyRepeat indicates a wait of 10 milliseconds for subsequent repetitions.After I installed Karabiner Elements on the new Apple silicon MacBook Air, the system crashes during the shutdown process. ~ $ defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10 If you would like to further increase the key repeat speed, you can do it through the command line: Please note, as of Jun 2017, the tool does not support MacOS Sierra, yet.

You can also consider using a third party tool like Karabiner ( ), that provides a more flexible way to set these options. The value of 2 for ‘KeyRepeat’ tells the system to wait for 30 milliseconds before repeating the character after the initial repetition. The value of 15 for ‘InitialKeyRepeat’ option indicates that the system waits for 225 milliseconds before repeating a character initially. To increase the key repeat rate, drag the sliders under ‘Key Repeat’ and ‘Delay Until Repeat’ options all the way to the Right. ‘Delay Until Repeat’ option indicates how long to wait before the character is repeated when a key is held down.

‘Key Repeat’ value signifies how quickly the characters repeat when a key is held down. Below is a screenshot that portrays these options for clarity. The KeyRepeat value signifies the value set by the ‘Key Repeat’ option in the ‘Keyboard Preferences’. The InitialKeyRepeat value represents the ‘Delay Until Repeat option’ in the ‘Keyboard Preferences’ ( System Preferences => Keyboard).