#Houghton mifflin spelling vocabulary teacher plus
Each kit contains a hefty teacher edition with color-coded lessons that include small format student pages with answers, teaching guidelines around the edges, a booklet of blackline masters, a CD-ROM (pdf files) of handwriting blackline masters, and answer keys for the workbook plus at the bottom of the page. This series is developmentally appropriate and concentrates on grammar, usage, mechanics, and the 6 traits of writing. Houghton Mifflin also has a quality English program available for grades 1 through 5. At the back of each student book is a Handbook, which includes writing models, writing rubrics, study skills and reading strategies, spelling strategies, commonly misspelled words, handwriting models, a thesaurus, a glossary, and Vocabulary Power words in context. Pupil Editions provide six units of instruction each of which includes chapters on grammar and writing.

Packages include a full-color, hardback Pupil Edition, an over-sized, spiral-bound Teacher's Edition (full-text answer key plus presentation information "around the edges"), and the Language Skills and Writing Assessment TE, which contains unit tests, cumulative assessments, answer keys, model papers with annotations, scoring rubrics, primary-trait checklists, and more. Harcourt Language, which is included in the Saxon Homeschool Language Arts Packages for 1st through 5th grades, is both a systematic grammar study and a model-based writing program that emphasizes the writing process and exposure to the various forms of writing. Both elementary and secondary language arts packages contain both student books and teacher materials. That's why these packages from major textbook publishers are now available to us. Saxon Homeschool - a name you probably associate with math - knows that many homeschoolers are looking for secular materials that correspond to what is being used in the public schools.